Candy Community Member Spotlight

Candy Community Member Spotlight

Introducing the DC Community Member Spotlight and a Refresh of the MLB Community Spotlight!

We’re thrilled to announce our new Community Member Spotlight initiative to honor the exceptional individuals who make our DC Community so special and vibrant. 

We’re also refreshing our MLB Community Member Spotlight to continue celebrating the incredible collectors that make up our passionate MLB fan base. The game-changer? We’re now inviting you, the Community, to nominate deserving MLB members for recognition.

🔦 What is the Community Member Spotlight Program?

Every month, we’ll highlight one DC community member and one MLB member who have significantly contributed to the growth and spirit of their respective communities. We’ll share their journeys, favorite digital collectibles, and the impactful ways they’ve engaged with and supported our communities.

🗳️ How Can You Get Involved?

We want this to be a community-driven effort. Nominate someone who deserves this special recognition by filling out the DC Nomination Form or the MLB Nomination Form. While it’s not mandatory to answer every question, providing detailed information will increase the chances of your nominee being selected.

🤔 What’s the Selection Criteria?

Nominees will be evaluated on their engagement, alignment with our community values, positive impact, and stewardship. Whether they actively participate on social channels, assist others during challenges, or share inspiring stories, we’re seeking members who embody the spirit of our Community. Please see the additional criteria below to help in your member selection and nomination.

The chosen Community Member’s insights, stories, and experiences will be highlighted in a blog post on and DC NFT News (for DC members). Snippets will also be shared on Candy X, Candy Discord, and DC NFTs Discord, respectively, to give them the recognition they truly deserve.

👀 Why Participate?

This is our way of expressing gratitude to the amazing individuals who make our Community special. By nominating a member, you’re helping us acknowledge and appreciate those who contribute significantly to our dynamic space.

We’re excited to receive your nominations and celebrate the heroes among us. Click here to nominate for DC and for MLB.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Candy Community. Your participation is invaluable as we work together to make this space more inclusive, engaging, and celebratory. 🎉

Guidelines to help you select a Community Member to nominate:

  • Community Engagement: The member should have a consistent and active presence in social channels and/or on Candy/DC NFTs Discord. Look for interactions, responses, and engagement with other community members.
  • Ownership Experience: Does the member own multiple Candy collectibles? If yes, how have they utilized or engaged with their collection? Selection can favor those who have unique experiences with their collectibles.
  • Inspirational Story or Testimonial: Does the member have a unique or inspiring story about their journey with the project? This can include how they were inspired to join, what the project means to them, or how it has affected their life.
  • Positive Influence and Ambassadorship: Is the member acting as a positive ambassador for the community? Look for those who are promoting and supporting the DC or MLB externally, attracting new members, or providing constructive feedback.
  • Content Contribution: Has the member contributed content, ideas, or feedback that has been beneficial for the community? This can include blog posts, fan art, music, helpful suggestions, etc.
  • Community Support and Collaboration: How has the member supported other community members? Look for those who have actively helped, guided, or collaborated with others within the community.
  • Alignment with Community Values and Ethics: Ensure that your nominated member's behavior and contributions align with the values, principles, and ethics of the Candy community.
  • Compliance with Candy Digital’s Terms and Conditions: Nominees must be in good standing, not banned from the , DC NFTs Discord, Candy Discord, or any Candy Social Accounts and not blocklisted from receiving Candy emails.